We know what you’re thinking… another trunk or treat? Our answer is absolutely, YES! There is no way you want your hard thought and creative juice results of costumes and decorations to be used only once or twice. Make sure you take full advantage of the spooky season and bring your family to participate with Core Medicine for fun activities, candy, and competitions.
Our Caldwell trunk or treat is Monday, October 30th, from 5:30-7 pm.
You really should think about it as more of a Halloween “dry-run” for all of those last-minute costume accessories.
Beyond avoiding any costume catastrophe, there are prizes up for grabs! Think you have what it takes to be voted “BEST COSTUME”? You won’t know unless you show up for family-friendly fun at 4605 Enterprise Way, Caldwell, ID 83605. Plus, who can’t use a few extra handfuls of candy the night before Halloween?
If you’re thinking “My kids, that’s who” then you should join in on the festivities and host your own trunk!
We can’t let the costumes take all the glory, so be ready for the decoration competition for “BEST TRUNK DECOR” and “FUNNIEST THEME”. You worked too hard on your fabulous trunk to only bring it to one trunk or treat. All you have to do is gather some treats, pack up the car, and bring it over to Core Medicine Monday, October 30th!
Just make sure you fill out the registration form so we save you a parking spot. https://forms.gle/VCSN6xv59jvbsWa78
All in all, there is way too much Halloween fun you’re missing out on if you limit yourself and your family to one or two outings. Join Core Medicine and other local businesses for a Caldwell trunk or treat!